Monday, May 28, 2012

Evidently The Meaning Of This Name Maher Zain ?

Evidently The Meaning Of This Name Maher Zain ? - Satu hari di ruangan kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu (SDIT) Bintaro. Seorang guru kesenian sedang menjelaskan pelajaran musik. Kali ini Bu Aisyah menjelaskan tentang Pemusik Islam Internasional yang sedang naik daun Maher Zain.

Guru : "Anak-anak. Hari ini ibu akan membahas tentang Maher Zain dari Swedia. Pasti tahu ya kalian?"

Banna: "Iya bu. Abi ku suka banget lagunya kang Maher Zain, dari mulai 'Thank You Allah' sampe 'Barakallah'"

Sophia: "Hiiiii, abi nya Banna gaul banget ya. "

Serempak ruangan kelas riuh oleh tawa bocah-bocah dari sekolah bertaraf  kelas menengah ke atas di bilangan Bintaro itu.

Guru: "Sudah-sudah!  Memang bagus-bagus kok lagu karya Maher Zain. Pekan depan kita pelajari lagu dan liriknya ya. Tapi hari ini, kita pelajari asal muasal nama Maher Zain. Ada yang tahu?"

Semua Murid: "Nggak tahu bu guru..................."

Guru: "Kalo begitu ibu akan jawab pertanyaan tadi.
          Maher Zain terdiri dari dua kata. 'Maher' dan 'Zain'
          Konon kabarnya terinspirasi dari bahasa melayu
          'Maher' berasal dari kata = 'Mahir' yang artinya 'ahli/pakar'
          dan 'Zain' berasal dari kata='Sains' yang artinya 'ilmu pengetahuan'
          Jadi, kalau digabung artinya 'Mahir dalam Sains' = 'Pakar Ilmu Pengetahuan'
          Begitulah sejarah nama Maher Zain"

Semua Murid: "Oh begitu ya Bu ........................."

Sophia: "Bu guru, bu guru! berarti kalo Pakar Ilmu Pengetahuan bisa juga disebut Professor ya Bu?"

Guru: "Tepat Sekali, Sophia."

Banna : "Kalo begitu, pantesan kepalanya Maher Zain botak alias gundul ya Bu!  kayak Professor."
Terinspirasi dari banyak fans Maher Zain yang mau tahu apakah arti nama nya?
It's all just a joke, semoga kang Maher Zain alias Professor nggak baca tulisan ini. Piss Yo

One day in elementary school classrooms . A teacher is explaining the art of music lessons. This time Mrs. Aisha describes the International Islamic musician on the rise Maher Zain.

Teacher: "Kids. Today the mother will discuss about the Maher Zain of Sweden. Surely you know it?"

Banna: "Yeah .  I really like the song  Maher Zain, from 'Thank You Allah' until 'Barakallah'"

Sophia: "hiiiii, his abi ya really Banna slang."

Simultaneously noisy classroom by laughter from the boys school upper middle-class in the Bintaro numbers.

Teacher: "I-have! It's really that good songs by Maher Zain. Next week we learned the song and the lyrics yes. But today, we learn the origins of the name Maher Zain. Anyone know?"

All Student: "I do not know bu teacher ..................."

Teacher: "If so the mother would answer that question.
           Maher Zain consists of two words. 'Maher' and 'Zain'
           The legend says was inspired from the Malay language
           'Maher' comes from the word = 'Advanced' which means 'expert / expert'
           and 'Zain' comes from the word = 'science' which means 'science'
           Thus, when combined means 'Proficient in Science' = 'Scientific Experts'
           That's the history of the name Maher Zain "

All Student: "Oh yes ma'am it ........................."

Sophia: "Mom teacher, teacher ! Means that if experts could also be called a Science Professor yes ma'am?"

Teacher: "Just Once, Sophia."

Banna: "If so, the Maher Zain  head shaved bald  Mrs. yes! Like Professor."
Inspired by the many fans Maher Zain wants to know if the meaning of his name?
It's all just a joke, hopefully  Professor Maher Zain did not read this paper. Piss Yo
Evidently The Meaning Of This Name Maher Zain ?

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